New to OBRI Team – Introducing Dr. Mohammad Movahedi

We’d like to introduce Dr. Mohammad Movahedi  – our newest member of the OBRI research team!  At OBRI Dr. Movahedi’s roles include analyzing data, developing and answering OBRI research questions, and communicating research outcomes through the development of abstracts, posters, and publications.

Before joining OBRI, Dr. Movahedi worked as a researcher at the University of Leeds, UK where he managed and analyzed data for a large randomized trial exploring the preventive effect of aspirin on risk of colorectal cancer incidence. He also worked as researcher at the University of Manchester, UK, where he investigated steroid safety in patients with RA using Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), a database of anonymized UK primary care electronic medical records.

member-mohammad-movahedi-fullDr. Movahedi has many years of research experience, with publications in a number of high-impact scientific journals, presentations at national and international conferences, and 5 years of teaching experience as an assistant professor of Epidemiology at Beheshti University in Iran. He also currently serves as a reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Movahedi holds a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from University of Leeds, UK, and a Medical Degree (MD) from Tehran University, Iran. We are very pleased to welcome him to the OBRI team!

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