Patients Pleased with 2015 Patient Sessions!

This May OBRI held three patient sessions for those enrolled in the OBRI clinical cohort and their family/friends.  Each session brought patients, OBRI staff, interviewers, and researchers together for a chance to meet, share experiences, and learn about OBRI research and outcomes.

Sessions were located in different cities of Ontario to provide patients from different regions with an opportunity to attend a session close to home. The first session was held on May 2nd in Barrie, the second on May 9th in Hamilton, and the third on May 30th in Sault Ste. Marie.

Each day began with a presentation from Dr. Bombardier, Principal Investigator of OBRI, and was followed with time for discussion/questions and a presentation by local Rheumatologist.  Patients had opportunities to ask questions, provide feedback, and meet OBRI interviewers, OBRI staff, other patients with RA, and members of the OBRI Patient Advisory Committee. Each session was well-attended with approximately 8-22 RA patients and a number of patient guests.

Some patients met their interviewer in person, and most had a chance to talk with OBRI staff and learn more about how their involvement in OBRI is contributing to the future of arthritis care and management in Ontario. Patients provided positive feedback from each session:

“The team of presenters and organizers were enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and informative.”

“I have a better understanding of OBRI, a better understanding of the types of arthritis and medications for RA.”

“The program provides a great opportunity to meet with people in this field – the presentations were very informative

OBRI held its first patient information session in Toronto in 2013, and in 2014 hosted three patient sessions – one in Bowmanville, Mississauga, and Newmarket. We look forward to connecting with more patients in 2016 – stay tuned for more information on upcoming dates and locations for our Spring 2016 sessions!

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